Partners In Time

Flying Cars with Matt Pearson

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In this episode of Partners in Time host Chris Grainger-Herr welcomes Matt Pearson. The Australian entrepreneur founded Alauda a manufacturer for performance electric flying car and with it the first electric flying car racing series Airspeeder. Matt talks about his crazy dreams as a kid of putting people into space and how he was able to come this dream one step closer. He shares how to stay on top of innovations and being one step ahead. He makes sure that the flying cars are not only an innovative product itself but are undergoing a technical and design evolution. Pearson revels his love for simplicity and beauty and that his love for mechanical watches stems from his grandfather – a man of great style. Be sure to listen to this episode to learn more about the Formula 1 of the future. Don't forget to check us out on Instagram:

#PartersInTime #IWCONAIR @IWCWatches @ChrisGraingerHerr


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